With your help, a more inclusive world will be a reality.

Be part of the change by supporting SPEAK in a new city! 
Great things are happening!
It is our dream to live in a world where every person feels at home in the city they live. A world that values diversity and understands that we have much more in common than what sets us apart.

Different religions, cultures and origins must be the spice of modern societies and we want to spice things up in every city! We are doing it by promoting spaces where locals and newcomers meet to share their culture and develop meaningful bonds by proving the platform and support for individuals to facilitate informal language learning environments and host community events.

We have found brave people who share this dream and who want to make this a reality in their corner of the world.

Each city needs their groupies and supporters to cheer for their success. Help start SPEAK in a new city and be part of the founding club! Join this crowdfunding and SHARE YOUR WORLD!
Cities that need your help
Past crowdfundings
SPEAK in Castelo Branco
€675.53 raised!
SPEAK founder: Meet the team
Clara:“Tenho 28 anos, nasci em Faro, cresci em Vouzela e vivo há 10 anos em Castelo Branco. Fiz Erasmus na República Checa e pertenci à ESN ajudando Erasmus na integração em Portugal. Fundei o SPEAK Castelo Branco em setembro de 2019 pois acredito que devemos celebrar a multiculturalidade.”
Daniela: “Sou de Lisboa e tenho 24 anos. Em 2018 fiz Erasmus e percebi o quão importante é sentirmo-nos em casa numa nova cidade. Juntei-me ao SPEAK em agosto de 2020 como Gestora de Marketing, e neste momento sou Co-Founder. Hoje encontro-me a residir em Castelo Branco e graças ao SPEAK já me sinto em casa nesta cidade”
Joana: “Sou uma Albicastrense com 22 anos. Em 2016 fui estudar para Coimbra. O meu percurso académico contou com projetos na área de turismo e no núcleo de estudantes. Em novembro de 2020 juntei-me ao SPEAK como buddy e atualmente sou Gestora da Comunidade neste projeto incrível.”
Filipa: “Tenho 26 anos e sou licenciada em Direito. Em 2021 juntei-me ao SPEAK como Gestora de Marketing e mudei-me para Castelo Branco. Sempre me envolvi em projetos de voluntariado e empreendedorismo por acreditar que é através das pequenas coisas que fazemos a diferença na vida dos outros."

SPEAK in Aveiro
€2036.68 raised!
“My name is Valeria. I was born in Mexico but life brought me to Portugal, and I love it here. I am a designer, traveler, dreamer and now a social entrepreneur. I have always been interested in other cultures, so when the opportunity arose to be an advocate for diversity, I took it. I believe since we are all humans and there is much more that unites that what sets us apart; we have more in common than what stereotypes allow us to see.
When I moved to Portugal, I thought it would be easy, but I had to overcome some challenges. Eventually, I made friends and learned the language and now I love the country that I chose to live in and I feel at home in my new city. I want to make other people feel at home, too!”

SPEAK in Almada
€1057 raised!
SPEAK founder: Sofia
I’m Sofia, I was born and grew up in Almada and I am proud to live on “The right side of the river”, as the famous song says.

I always thought I would become a lawyer one day. However, I ended up graduating in Social Work and since then I have not stopped fighting for social rights. I am part of the Maense Association in Portugal and I do volunteer work as a coordinator of a literacy project to Cape Verdean women over 40 years old.

I have also a passion for traveling and knowing different cultures, trying to discover new worlds and get to know different people. I did Erasmus in Italy where I lived for 6 months and I was part of a very interesting project called Aperitivo Inglese, where the entire student community gathered around a table to share some food and get to know each other, sharing their own languages and working on interpersonal relationships.

This experience happened every Thursday and became one of our passions and I realized that sharing your culture and getting to know different people through their stories and traditions is a powerful tool for social integration.

SPEAK in Brussels
€4255 raised!
SPEAK founder: Chloé and Nicolas
Chloé studied Communications in Leuven (Belgium) and Global Studies in Göteborg (Sweden). Interested in globalisation and the ways that it is affecting our world - uniting people in some ways, dividing them in others - together with a passion for travelling, learning languages and meeting new people, make launching SPEAK in Brussels an exciting next step to take. 

Nicolas studied Interior Design in Brussels but has worked since mainly in the field of real estate. As an asset manager he has been responsible to develop projects and increase the financial and human value of existing projects. He decided to follow his main interest and focus for the future more on the human capital and diversity. Having lived in and experienced a variety of countries and local cultures in Europe, and with a passion for travelling and getting to know people with a very diverse background, he is now eager to help integrate them.

SPEAK in Braga
€11739 raised!
SPEAK founder: Khuloud
Khuloud is an amazing Syrian entrepreneur who finished her Masters in Engineering in Portugal. She’s passionate about SPEAK and she is the founder of a new SPEAK City. 

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